Tuesday, April 3, 2012


You have been blessed. I don't know how and I don't know why except from the grace of God you are still able to bond and form relationships with those around you. I credit this most to your oldest biological sibling. You see, you were not alone during those first few years of your life. Your parents may have abused and neglected you but you had two wonderful older sisters who did the best they could for you. You spent a great deal of time in a room with the middle sister who is actually deaf and blind in one eye (the sibling who took the most abuse) and then you also had another sister who was both of your caretakers. Ages today, I believe your oldest sister would be turning 18 this year, the middle is turning 13 and you are turning 8. I will never forget the police report I read before I even met you that describes three children walking down a street, dirty, and the eldest child caring a baby. You were probably about two to three years at this point but more the size of a 12-18 month old. The adoption team actually tried for while for you and your oldest sister to be adopted together but due to your developmental needs and the age between you two, it just wasn't possible.

You thrive off your relationships. I laugh as I watch you interact with those around us because you know who to manipulate and how. You will be friendly to almost anyone but allow very few to actually be close to you. You can tell in an instant who you can trust, who will be your friend, and who is truly just an ends to a mean. For those of us that you allow to see all sides of you we are blessed. You have such an amazing outlook on life and offer so much to those around you. You build upon your relationships and give back so much more then what we are able to give to you. The lessons you teach us daily are wise beyond your years.

Due to your past though manipulation is your go to in any new relationship. As much as you are able and willing (in the long run) to bond and connect everyone must first own their stripes with you. You will pretend to not understand, to be unwilling, and to not process the world around you. Past abuse has taught you to be afraid of adults who may raise their voice, to shy away from women, and to fear the unknown. Abuse and neglect has taught you that a wrong answer may be greeted with a fist, that not trying is better then failing, and that being social with many but friends with few will help you get through the day. These tactics are what helped your survive and what helped to carry you through. Usually though, with a little persistence, you make a "mistake." You allow others to see that you have so much more going on and that you do understand. Once you open that door it is all downhill for and you have won the hearts of those around you.

These are just a few of the pictures that show the relationships you have formed since being home. Two years ago you didn't know what "trust" meant. You didn't understand relationships or what it was to be loved for who you are. You didn't have a concept of life. Because your sisters loved you though and because they cared for you to the best of their ability you are able to love today. Your past may have created a strong wall between you and building a true rapport with others but it is also what has given you the strength and courage that you bring to any new relationship. Today, you are able to show us who you are, take pride in yourself, and most importantly allow some of us to see the real you. The child that loves, learns, and challenges the world on a daily basis.

Keep on Truckin Baby

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