Tuesday, August 10, 2010


One doctors appointment down, only four more to go. We did start to get a few answers today. The neurologist feels that you definitely have some ADHD going on - this did not take much to talk him into since he danced around his office the entire time banging on the bed, getting on and off the bed, hitting the walls, pushing the step stool like a scooter, and shooting the imaginary aliens behind the bench. You put on a show for him and he did decide medication might not be a bad idea :) We started Tenex today. Its all a game at this point of finding the right medication and the right dose but hopefully we are off to a good start. My goal is just to calm your jets a little so that you can focus a little more. You have made so much progress even with bouncing off the walls, imagine if you could sit still for longer then 1 minute! I am also very pleased that the Neurologist did not mention any other disabilities at this time. What it really boils down to is your past and yes, you have cognitive delays and speech and language delays but we all know you are capable of catching up and other then ADHD no label is needed right now.

Your language is continuing to come. Lately we have heard "on," "off," "up," and "open" spontaneously in different environments. You are also imitating "cracker," "monkey," "chicken," "bread," "pizza," "apple," "go away," "spongebob squarepants," "my buddy," "popcorn," "ride,"and much more. For some reason you do not want to say people's names but I am not going to complain. I love to hear your voice - especially when you try to sing it!

Music is in your bones - you have rhythm - I have none so don't be looking at me for guidance on this one. As soon as your imitation skills are strong enough I will find someone who will work with you. I am sure you will love the drums or something similar. Additionally I am looking for someone to work with you on running. All little boys have their sports, you are not ready for team play so I am trying to find individual sports you can excel in and can challenge you. Swimming will come, you are not quite ready for lessons in this area but running I think you will love. Hell, you try to run away from me enough, you might as well get good at it.

I love you baby


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