We made it! Numerous doctors appointments in a very short period of time and here are some conclusions and yet still more questions:
Neurologist: The ADHD medication was a miracle pill until he stopped working. The results were absolutely amazing and so much more then we ever expected. You were able to sit, listen, work, show interest in numerous activities other then cars, and most of all, TALK! You started using three and four word sentences paired with your pictures (since you were actually able to sit and look at your pictures). You were saying things such as "I want car," "I want candy," and of course, your favorite, "I want chocolate!" When the tenex stopped working we went right back to the neurologist - it wasn't fair to you, a door had been openend and I could not let it close that easily. You are now on Clonidine and even though you needa higher dose, it is working miracles again. I love to hear you talking and everyone loves that you are able to see the world that is going on around you. You face lights as you are proud of yourself and all your new accomplishments. Hopefully the Clonidine will continue to work and we will not have to go back to drawing board. And how can I forget, THE BARKING HAS STOPPED!!!! Never thought ADHD could help with this but there seems to be a direct correlation, you no longer think you are a puppy!!!
GI doctor: Not the most pleasant of news. You have actually been constipated all this time and she suspects it has been this way for years!!! Oh, how I feel pain for you even though you have never indicated your stomach was upset. Your tolerance for pain is unbelievable. Many children develop constipation around potty training and since so much of your abuse we think was around potty training years ago we think the issue actually started way back then. One of the more severe cases the doctor has seen in awhile. So, this weekend we are working on fixing this, I don't think anymore details are needed here! It will be very interesting to see how your mood and gait change once we have this under control. I know I would not be nearly as happy of camper as you are so I am sure you will even be happier (if that is possible).
Opthmologist: your vision is perfect - no reason to be looking out the sides of your eyes other then just being you!
Audiologist: Again - Perfect! We never doubted this, just needed to make sure
Orthopedist: We had your casting done and your orthotics should be ready at the end of September.
I am sure there is much more to come but this was huge. I am not starting the IEP process for Loudoun County Public Schools. Even though I am claiming home schooling this year and placing you in a preschool program, I want you to receive related services through the county and start to get to know the teachers where you will go next year. Hopefully we will get speech, OT, and PT at least one time per week.
Wednesday your new nanny starts. Its going to be interesting as I am sure you will test her just like you do everyone else. Hopefully though you are learning that this does not need to last long and we will continue to move forward.
After are short three months together I want to do more for children in the foster care system. So much what I have done for you now is not beyond any parents ability and provide opportunities for growth and ruling out other factors that may influence behaviors. I am not sure where I can do this but I am starting to look into it. Maybe being a guardian et liatem (the Barneby's really turned me on to this) but with work and raising you I do not have time for this. Even just working with local social work agencies on education programs for foster parents to help. Issues such as constipation going on for as long as we think you had it could be solved so much sooner if parents knew more subtle signs are had expectations to rule out diagnosis when children come into care. Additionally the information would be vital to any parent looking to adopt the child so they can make sure they have right resources in place before bringing their forever child home.
Life has its way of throwing curve balls and you seem to keep swining for the fences. Don't slow down baby because great things are still to come and your entire world has started to open up. In just a few short weeks we will celebrate your 6th birthday and four months of being home....
Love you baby
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