Saturday, July 2, 2011


So I just finished a book called "Room" by Emma Donoghue and I highly recommend this book to everyone. I have not actually read a book in over a year as you have kept me a little busy and a little tired but recently, with summer, I have started to find a better balance of relaxing while you are at your therapies or after you go to bed. This book though really opened my eyes to your perspective. Now, the story line was not the same as your past but the one thing in common, you were both kept in a room for a prolonged period of time and in both cases there were many things, places, items, people, etc. you had never experienced before. I did not meet you until two years after you were "freed" so to say and I cannot image how scared you were then, let alone on a plane back to Virginia with me. This book allowed me to see things from your perspective - not used to being out in the sun so not knowing how to react to it - maybe why you shook your head at the sun right after coming home and looking at the sun through the corner of your eyes. Not knowing what things like streets and sidewalks were. Being tired after walking short distances as this was something you were never accustomed to, let alone much physical activity all.

One of your favorite phrases these days is "what's that?" and as tired as I get of labeling the same item over and over again I have to realize that you were never able to ask that question before. Anything from sticks, to birds, to T.V.s to food items, and animals. Over and over again we label items and more often then not these days you are trying hard to imitate the language. You have also started to spontaneously label items around us that you are positive of the name of such as "puppy," "juice," "car," "eat," "shoe," "hat," etc. I all to often forget that when we walk into new places and you start to shy away it is most likely because you are overwhelmed, unsure of what the expectations are, and just need time to take everything in. I am trying hard to be patient baby, just please be patient with me when I forget to slow down a little.

Your language is continuing to grow and you are started to respond more appropriately. The other day you greeted Linda with a "Hi Linda" and when she asked how you were doing you said "good" as if you have always been talking. Then, at lunch a little later you pointed to the table and said "color yellow" and when I looked you were pointing to a yellow crayon. I know you have it inside of you and I finally feel you are starting to let it out.

I have this feeling we are at a breakthrough point. I am not exactly sure what you are about to break out of or in what areas we will see it, but I just know it is coming soon and fast. Other people are noticing the same thing - more intent in your "talking" with more true words and phrases coming through, more interest in other items, attention to details (on occasion) and receptive to work again. You have already shown us you have so much inside of you and I am very excited for this next month or so to see what happens.

I love you baby
Keep on Truckin

1 comment:

  1. What I notice is that there is SO much inside wanting to come out...I love it that he comes up to me and just talks and talks in His language...I don't care that I don't understand the words...what I DO understand is the message that Brison has something important to Id better listen!
