Monday, June 27, 2011


Yet again I spent numerous hours last night programming a communication device for you. We had been working hard with the Maestro lately but due to it's size and shape you have not been very successful with carrying it independently. You actually tended to drop it numerous times a day as you would also try to wave to a someone passing by or put your arms up in the excitement, the device would hit the ground. Yesterday on our walk you dropped it once again and this time it would not turn back on. Now, Dynavox will fix it for us once we ship it back to them, give them a few days turn around, and then they ship it back. But right now we need a way for you to communicate.

You are at a point where even going one day without a device could be detrimental to your progress and your language. It is not fair that you would have to go multiple days without a way of getting your needs and wants met. It would be like duck taping a verbal child's mouth shut for a week - not really realistic or humane if you ask me.

So, we are back to the iPad. We are using Proloque2go this time which is another application on the iPad designed to be a communication device. When I handed you the iPad this morning and we started using it a smile broke out across your face, you have the iPad a hug, and said "thank you." I think it will be good to switch back to this as it is easy for your access. We will definitely keep the Maestro and get it fixed and maybe when you are a little bigger or just get a little more coordination we can move back to it. It also has not been fair that you have had to keep switching programs which means different organization or pictures, different pictures, and sometimes different expectations. I will do my best to keep this consistent now so we can more consistency before school starts in the fall.

You spent a great day of your weekend at the pool and we spent a lot of time with your favorite little people - Anna, Ellie, and Gavin. Over the past few weeks you have really started to shift from only wanting to play with the girls and tolerating Gavin, to fully playing with Gavin. The typical little boy play is amusing to watch and I can't help but laugh as you try to learn to wrestle, fight, and understand why he acts the way he does. He is a great challenge for you and I think will teach you a lot this summer. He will also teach him a lot about patience and understanding :)

Summer concerts have started again and this is the highlight of our week usually. We all go over and you guys will sing and dance for a few hours while listening to the band. Given your love for music you have a wonderful time. You try to make up words to the songs so you can sing along - this week I caught you rocking out to "purple rain." (one of the pictures).

Keep on Truckin baby, good things are coming

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