Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Giggle Box

Your laughter this week has filled the room. You are happier then I have seen you in a long time these past four days and what is so ironic is that I was preparing for a rough week. We are actually at Dewey beach,arrived on Sunday and don't head out till Friday. I thought for sure you would have a tough time with the transitions, being out of normal routine, and the different structure. Well, yet again you have surprised me and we are having a wonderful time.

We have spent two days on the beach, done a little putt-putt, gone shopping for fall clothes, and the highlight of the trip so far, a pirate expedition. I had the most fun today watching you dress up as a pirate (earing, eye patch, and all) and jump right in with the other kids. We got on the boat, searched for the lost treasure, had a water fight with another pirate ship, and in the end, received your treasure. You carried your sword, treasure, and eye patch around for the rest of the day. It is these moments that I step back and marvel at the child your are becoming. The way you compensate for your weaknesses (language) and how you embrass the world around you.

To see your face light up and smile this week reminds me of your hope, your desire, and your personality. You have this little smirk and a look in your eyes that not only melts the hearts of those around you but captures who you are. It reminds me that your rough days are not you - that they are a bad mix of your emotional disability, your past, your lack of communication, and is all that has ever worked for you for so many years.

This week has been amazing for us. I know we will have many more vacations and adventures but this is one I will never forget. You have allowed yourself to relax this week, you have allowed another wall to come down, and most of all you have allowed yourself to experience happiness.

Keep on truckin baby

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