Monday, July 19, 2010

Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You

Yes, Yes you can and you can make a whole bunch of other sounds too.

You can click and you can clock
You can beep and you can bop
You can snort and you can plop
You can sigh and you can cry

You find ways to bark, with great pride and joy
Followed by head shaking with fun and amusement
You stand on chairs and sit on stairs
Pushing buttons with persistence

You continue to hold up the hoops you want everyone to jump through. You have not quite discovered yet that we will all make it through the hoops, even the ones that are on fire. It is hard for us all to remember sometimes that you probably have more persistence and determination then all of us and if you decide to hold up another hoop then we are all going to have to wait a little longer. I have learned and finally come to the realization lately that there are certain battles I am not going to win. So you don't pee standing up, you won't let me help you swim in the pool, and you like to make bee-bopping noises into walls. I guess I need to let you hold onto these small things - to realize that you will let me hold you and rub your head as you go to sleep at night, you will let me read you a books, and you love to share your crayons with me. You are officially potty trained at this point and you are eating full three meals a day (umm.. and let me just say that three full meals a day does not help the malabsorption problem so thank God you are potty trained!)

When we started potty training I told you I would buy you fish when you completed this task. I am not sure if you understood this promise but being true to my word, I took you out on Sunday and we bought three little fish and a tank. You spontaneously said "Fsh" and we decided to name them "one," "two," and "three" because we knew you could then call them by name :) Well, needless to say mommy does not know a whole lot about fishes and they only survived about 10 minutes after coming home. We did get one picture of your interest in them and I will be off to buy you "four," "five," and "six" later this week.

Love you Baby

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