Thursday, July 8, 2010

Continued Amazement

I am speechless - about four weeks I took you to sports camp for the first time. Needless to say I decided that you would not be going for awhile. The amount of attention you needed and the lack of focus and interest you had pulled so much away from staff that I had decided we would wait until you had settled in a little more.

Tonight we went back again. I expected some rough times and thought you needed a one on one the whole time. Well, yet again you proved me wrong. You were able to rotate with your small group. You did not try to run away too much, you followed directions, and overall seemed to have a good time. And, even better, you are completely crashed out now! You are catching up on lost time so fast and the changes are apparent to everyone.

There are times when I look at you and am angry at your biological parents. Angry that you missed so much of life and that it took so long for you to find home. I don't know what the future holds for you, what exactly your delays will be, or where we will even be tomorrow but you have so much potential, love, and determination I know you will go far. Where would you be if you were not locked in a room for three years? Where would you be if you were not abused or exposed to drugs? I know we will never have the answer to these questions and we cannot dwell in the past - and it is part of your past who has made you who you are today. I also know that if things had been different I would have never found you. All I know is that today you are leaps and bounds beyond where you were even eight weeks ago. Today marks the two month mark of you being home and yet I feel as if it has been years. You are loved and followed by many. Now, if I could just get you to share those cars and trucks a little more I think we would be golden! I know, I know, I can't ask for to much :)

I love you baby!

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