Saturday, September 14, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to the most determined, passionate, and amazing boy!  I cannot believe that today we celebrated your 9th birthday and how far you have come.  Between horseback riding, a party for your classmate, and a celebration for you with your buddy Addison it has been more then a busy day.

With all of this though my mind has wandered and I cannot help but think today is not the day we should be celebrating. This is a difficult concept to explain to you and I hope that as you grow and mature you will understand where I am coming from.  Nine years ago today you were brought into this world and if it were not for that moment you would not be my forever child.  For this I am grateful and I know you were meant to be my son.  I love every bit of your personality, your determination, your desires in life, and every little characteristic of who you are.  I know that some of this comes from you biological parents such as your deep passion for music, your button nose, and your endearing smile.  But I was not there nine years ago.  I was not there for the first five years of your life to celebrate with you, encourage you, and be your rock and foundation.

However, I was there 3.5 years ago when you walked into my life and began to teach me what is really important and what the world is all about.  I was there to see you learn to walk up and down stairs independently.  I was there to hear you say your first words, to hear you say "I love you" for the first time, and to hear you contagious giggle.  I was there to see you try some of your first foods, use utensils for the first time, and to experience your "happy feet" when you allow your happiness and energy to take the better of you.  I have been the one to wipe away your tears, fix your boo-boo's, and allow you explore the world around you.  I have witnessed your successes with climbing, teaching you to ride a scooter, and watching you play ice hockey for the first time.  Everyday I have had the joy of watching you experience a new adventure, conquer a fear, and master a new skill.

You see, in all honesty, while you were born 9 years ago today your life did not start until May of 2010 when you boarded the airplane from Idaho and came home.  Neither of us could have ever imagined how much our lives would have changed and where we would be today, but it is our life and what we have created together as a family.

So while today is your birthday and I will always acknowledge this day and celebrate it as part of your past and where you come from,  the true celebration of life is your "Gotcha Day."  We will throw our parties, invite our friends, and dance until the sun goes down every May in celebration of your birth with me and our life together.

I could not be more proud of who you are today and the young boy you have become.  You have recently grabbed ahold of life and you are now steering your own destiny. Instead of you chasing me I am now running to keep up with you.

Keep On Truckin

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