Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sippin On Sweet Lemonade

I don't really know why but "Sippin On Sweet Lemonade" seems to sum up our life right now. This summer has proven to be one of growth, acceptance, and discovery for you.  I watched you become grounded in the world around you, seeking new adventures, and exploring more then ever.  In the past when you have taken three steps forward in one area there has always been another that has taken two steps back.  Recently though, all the pieces have started to come together at the same time and allow you, and I, to enjoy the moment.

This summer you trusted others enough to enjoy weeks of summer camp....

This summer you explored enough to see the world from a different view....

This summer you relaxed enough to enjoy your friendships....

This summer you were confident enough to truly enjoy the little moments life has to offer....

This summer you grew enough to make a new friend....

This summer has been about learning, loving, and living. You continue to teach me more daily then I ever thought I needed to know and you remind me daily the importance of slowing down to enjoy the moment.  You have shown me this summer that you ready for the next phase of our life and that you are ready to spread your wings even more.  Your perseverance, determination, and personality continue to allow you to soar and the sky is your limit.

Keep On Truckin'

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