Sunday, November 11, 2012

As The Leaves Change Colors So Do You

This fall has been emotional one for me as I watch you grow and change.  You are growing up before my eyes and right now it is happening at such a fast pace that even I am overwhelmed.  I cannot imagine what is going on in your little head.  I often times look into your eyes and see glimpses of the future.  I see the spark that will carry you far, the fear that will continue to hold you back, and the spirit that nothing will hold you down.

There are days when you look so innocent.  Days that remind me that your life really did just start a little over two years ago when I brought you home.  You are playful, without a care in the world, and greet each challenge as an adventure.

Then there are days you look wise beyond your years.  Days that remind me of the past you have endured, the pain you have suffered, and how much of a challenge each new morning is to you.  It is these days that you process the world and take in what is occurring around you far more seriously then any eight year old little boy should.

As strange as it may sound though, it is when I see the second of these two that I know you are going to be okay.  That you will continue to thrive in all that you try to accomplish, you will continue to conquer the world, and most importantly you will be able to overcome your past.  You are starting to allow yourself to process and heal.  By doing this you are also allowing the walls to fall down beneath you.

This fall you have allowed yourself to be successful in so many different parts of your life.  Academically you are soaring through material and continue to amaze us. I never imagined that I would be researching reading and spelling curriculums for you at this point but they will arrive next week!   Your language has changed and now you are more interested in labeling and commenting on the world around you then asking permission to do things.  You are obsessed with Elmo and Mickey Mouse, what little boy doesn't go through that phase though? :)  Your self help skills have also shown a drastic improvement which not only helps you but me.  You are so close to now being able to shower yourself and also brush your own teeth. On top of this, your understanding of what others are saying to you and around you is also constantly growing.

What I love watching is the look of pride and accomplishment on your face as you complete these tasks and move forward.  You have found the internal motivation that you were missing for so long and it is now the driving force to your success, not me.  You are finally living life on your terms and loving it.  I cannot wait to see what each day holds for you.

Keep on Truckin Baby

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