When we moved here a last November I swore to you we were moving here for the school. That the school was what we had been looking for and it was your opportunity to shine. I had all these expectations that the school could provide for you and for some reason thought that this one brick building was the key to your success.
Oh how wrong I was but yet how many doors have opened for us. In reality, the school does not hold the answers or a magic key that unlocks all the potential that you hold. In all honesty, the four walls that surround you at school are probably the last four walls we have to break down for you to finally break free.
You are not quite there yet. I still feel that you need a little more time before those final walls come down and before you allow the rest of the world to see the spark that I see daily. The move to Ohio has given us so much more - so much that I didn't even know we needed.
Our relationship has grown. I cannot even put into words our new levels of trust, love, acceptance, and friendship. It is not that we didn't bond in VA and didn't grow together but we had patterns and routines that we were unable to overcome that were affecting our relationship. Once we moved, those obstacles disappeared and everything was full speed ahead. I look into your eyes and see your innocence, your desire to please, and most of all your love for those around you. I see your passion for the future and your resistance to let the world around you hold you back. I see the depths of the young man you are becoming and the insight you hold to your own future.
Our move has also opened up a book of resources that were never available to us before. The intensity of your therapies and the commitment of your therapists to you was such as novel concept when we arrived. No therapist here has turned their back on you due to behaviors or second guessed your ability because of your language. Every therapist that works with you here has taken the time to get to know you for the little boy you are and build a strong relationship.
Here we are not constantly on the go. Life is slower and daily we can encounter new adventures or sit at home and be just as happy. You have learned to enjoy a good movie, curl up with some book, or play with your cars all over the house. If given a choice these days you would rather stay home and play Candy Land or Memory as opposed to running errands.
As we continue to unravel the tangled web that your life used to be we are adding a counselor to your team and more intensive psychiatric services this year. With more language it is time that find ways to work through the emotional piece of your past. You know that I am here as your safety net, that I am not going anywhere, and you are confident in yourself. It is time to sweep out some of your cobwebs and allow yourself to grow emotionally. As we clean house I know that you will continue to grow and thrive.
This time next year, it is my goal for you that we will be transitioning back to public schools. That we can finally take down those four walls that are holding you back and that you will have the foundational skills you need to be successful. Next year it will be time for me to let you spread your wings that we have worked so hard on developing this past few years but for now, I get one more year of holding your hand through all the therapies, all the frustration, all the growth, and all the success.
I can not tell you how proud I am of who you are today.
Keep on Truckin' Baby
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