Thursday, May 3, 2012

Maybe.... Just Maybe

One thing you have taught me is to never take a moment of life for granted.  To celebrate the small steps and be proud of who we are.  You never cease to amaze me and every night as put you to bed I smile at the young man you are becoming.  I cannot say this enough or emphasize to you how much joy I have in watching you move throughout life and discover the world around you.

This week another piece of your wall has come down and you have relaxed.  At school you have been a rock star and I believe you have finally found a place where you belong, at least for now.  In the community you are starting to test more boundaries and be more of a little boy, always fearless and constantly on the move.  At home we are more of a family, laughing, loving, and learning.

The other thing that you have taught me is that this could all disappear tomorrow but we cannot live in fear of that.  If we were to live our lives in fear of what tomorrow could bring we would never be living our life to the fullest.  You have been working hard at teaching me to live my life in the moment and just let the world continue to evolve and shape who we are.

So baby... Maybe.... Just Maybe..... your wall is starting to come tumbling down and with that you have knocked down mine...

Keep on Truckin


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