Monday, February 20, 2012

Another Day - Another Dollar

Unfortunately, even thought it is a holiday I had to work. Your school, following in line with most, was closed for the day. Since we have only been here a few short months we don't have the support team of friends, family, and therapists we did in Virginia to call upon to set up a full day schedule for you at home. So, we had to take another risk.

I dropped you off this morning at Mango's Place - a drop in daycare near our house. I gave them very little information on your needs except that you need to be made to go the bathroom and you would need some coaxing for that to happen. I then showed them your device in passing and said you knew had to use if you wanted something bad enough. As always, I then held my breath, and quickly headed to work. My phone stayed on me all day, awaiting the phone call that something had happened or there were just to many kids to meet your needs, and it never happened.

Now, I do have to give you some credit. Nobody has ever called me to come pick you up. You have had your moments before at camp but I usually take you to environments where you can blend in a little more. Where there are not really high level demands and you can do activities like swimming. This was more of an enclosed room with 24 children where you had to share and could not go and hide anywhere as it was a circle shape :) I also have to say that I have always said you can do it and that you do not need a special environment or specialized teachers for a camp or daycare setting and that you thrive off your peers. You proved this point to everyone today.

When I picked you up this afternoon you were still wearing the clothes I sent you in (yes, this means no accident). All the staff said you did an awesome job, and most importantly you were happy. Staff said you played with all the children. That every time a peer came up to you you would use your device and tell them your name. That you also used it to express when you were hungry and thirsty and most importantly you are allowed back! This is huge as it allows us a safe place when you have your spring break, teacher workdays, or mommy simply needs a little break this summer.

One reason all of this means so much is I remember taking you to a drop in daycare when we lived in VA. For some reason we just didn't have any other options that day and so I dropped you off, still in diapers, and not medicated. They did not call me to come pick you up either but when I did finally make it back (I believe it was like three hours as opposed to the 10 today) they basically told me you were a handful and it is was tough for the children to listen when you didn't. Needless to say we did not venture back to them.

It is these small moments though that remind me of how far you have come. It is hard for to remember sometimes what it was like when you first came home. Don't get me wrong, I remember the highlights but you have grown and changed so much that I sometimes lose perspective of all of it and need moments like today to realize your social/emotional growth. One of the most important aspects of the little man you are becoming.

Keep on Truckin

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