Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Happy Birthday

Wow, you turned 7 today! I cannot believe it as it just seems like yesterday we celebrated your 6th birthday. Tonight we enjoyed a nice family dinner (with Sally the crew and Nancy) and in two weeks we are actually going to attempt a real birthday party. I have some apprehension about this, I worry about your lack of social skills these days but you deserve a party! We will be going to an indoor trampoline place for a two hour party and your usual crew will be there along with a few students from school. I invited the boys from your classroom to join us so we will see how many are able to make it.

I watched you today and took a deep breath. You have now been home with me half of the time you were in your foster home and as of now you have been out of your biological home as long as you were in it. These are milestones and each year is another year of hope, opportunity, and success for you. You were excited today and bounced your way out of bed and down to my room. I got you a new bike, its more like a trike for older kids, so that we could continue to work on pedaling and guess what, you did pedal! You were also exhausted by the time we got to your presents tonight so I am excited to see you on it again tomorrow.

Things have been a little rough for you lately overall. I don't know if we are going through growing pains, if school is to overwhelming, or if it is just another phase but tantrums are always on the cusp, you are hitting the students in your classroom (something that shocks me and I know you love time with peers so I am not sure what is going on), and now hitting and kicking at home. It is hard not to smile though when you attempt to kick because you did not have the gross motor ability to actually kick just a few short weeks ago. It is definitely an off balance attempt but I have to smile as I know it is another developmental milestone. The hitting is probably a milestone too but unfortunately you will scare off children as you go through this so we need to get rid of that one - and fast.

As I look at the pictures above from Great Country Farm this weekend and from your birthday today I see the change in your body. You are stronger and healthier. You are navigating your environment, jumping, running, climbing, and doing your best to keep up with everyone. You grew five inches last year alone and your strength has vastly improved. I watched you climb on top of the jumping pillow this week while carrying an inflated cow (had to have been there) but you could not of even done that a month ago.

With all this though, and as much hard work as you put into life daily, I hate to tell you that this school environment will not be a good match for you for you. You need such an individualized program and one that focuses heavily on language development. We need a team that can use your AAC device and that is trained in PROMPT to continue to push you forward. A team of individuals that can respect your past and how it impacts you today but help you work through your emotional walls to learning. Now is the window and now is the time to push harder. I am researching private school options and also, with a leap of faith, looking at a private school in Ohio that is based around AAC device use. With careful planning I know we can find the right educational environment for you.

Well baby, I am off to bed. I love you
Keep on Truckin

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