Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"Boen.. is no more"

So my little man, you and I had a little conversation while you were in the bath this morning.

You: "My mommy...."
Me: "Bryson"
You: "Boen is no more..."
Me: COMPLETELY DUMBFOUNDED "Yes, you are my Bryson" - pause "Where's your car?"

I had no clue what to say to you with your smile on your face. Not only did you completely shock me with what you said, its one of our first true conversations about it. Your language has exploded recently and I never expected that to come out - I couldn't of imagined it if I wanted to. I don't know if you wanted my confirmation that you are Bryson and you will always be my Bryson or if you were confirming to me that you know you are Bryson and the life you left will never return. It was a moment I will never forget and I will hold very close to me. A moment that shows how your emotional growth, your understanding, and the emotional/mental process you are going through daily. Mind you, less then five minutes before this I had walked in and the conversation was

Me: "Hey baby"
You:" "Heeeyyy"
Me: "Whatcha doing?"
You: "Nothin"

Okay! With this your other new words are "I don't know," "I can do it," "see," "help me," etc. On top of the explosion of you talking you are mastering the iPad faster then I can find new buttons to put in it for you. I feel that there are still one or two doors we have not found our key to yet. A wall here and there that still is standing strong but dear God child you are amazing and have come so far in eight months.

In eight months you have gained 12.5 pounds, grown two shoe sizes, and gone from a 3T clothes to a 5/6. You are eating me out of house and home - anything that is presented you inhale and we are trying to curb this a little although you are just a growing boy!

I have also come to the conclusion that nothing will stand in your way. When I registered you for lacrosse my mindset was I would be lucky if you were the team mascot :) now I know you will surprise us all and may actually get to play in a game. We are all always looking for new ways to challenge you and to keep pushing you.

One of the things I love most about watching you grow is you are going through all the developmental stages. Sometimes when there is so much ground to make up kids skip stages which leaves gaps in their learning. Not to say you are hitting all the stages in the right order but we have gone through the terrible twos, we have continue to go through bonding, you curling up in my lap, we have gone through stuffed animals, security blankets, only playing with cars, to now having play dates, joining sports teams, true defiance, and spreading your wings.

As always, I cannot wait to see what tomorrow holds because it is always a new adventure.

Keep on Truckin Baby

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