Thursday, September 23, 2010


I watched you mature this weekend. To hold your head a little higher, pull your shoulders back, and start to find your voice a little more. Each days is always a new adventure for you and I - not only new growing pains but also much success. It has so hard to remember you have only been home for four months but this weekend you seemed to grow and mature like I have not seen before. I am not quite sure how to describe it but you are also much happier. You have settled into routine a little more, are able to make more choices, and are discovering that you do have a say in what happens in your daily life. I am trying to find areas I can give you freedom and allow you to continue to grow without allowing you to spiral backwards.

Preschool is still a never ending roller coaster for us. I hold my breath everyday when I pick you up, praying that it has been a good day for you and that you didn't have any tantrums but also knowing that I have to have realistic expectations given this is only the end of week three. I worry that the school is going to tell us it is not working out and I am not sure what we will do at that point. I know they do not see the huge gains you made this week. That you were able to sit in circle, rotate a few times each day without your shadow, and most of all the relationship you are building with your peers. We pulled up to school earlier this week and me, being the "non preschool" mom took you up to the top of the hill to wait for the doors to be unlocked when I knew your classmates were at the bottom of the hill (I was hoping not to make small talk). But then, Aiden and Amy came running up the hill and asked you to play and the three of you ran down the hilling laughing. It was amazing to see and a huge moment to realize that you trust these children, you want to be there, and they want to play with you. We will keep on pushing and I will fight as hard as I can to keep you in that preschool and I know Linda will fight for you also!

Tomorrow I have your IEP meeting with Loudoun County Public Schools. I know this will not go as I had planned for it and that we are probably going to lose all services. They say that since I am home schooling you they only have to provide the minimum for related services (which is basically nothing) and since it would be such a short time and more transitions for you and more inconsistency, I will be denying all services and we can look at it again next year. You are making improvements in all areas across the board and after watching you this week to start to settle in and finally know you are safe and you are home, I cannot add another change right now (this might change if you get kicked out of preschool though!)

Finally, some of your newest accomplishments:
Peeing Standing Up!!!! This is huge as I have been trying to convience you this is much easier for a long time, but of course, it had to be on your terms and you have finally decided it is time
Putting on your socks - You are now able to put on both socks, up to your heels independently
Putting on your shoes - as long as I untie them you can put both shoes on independently
Language is still growing daily and one of your new words is : "TEACHER!" - gotta get attention at school somehow

Love you baby and can't see what you have in store next

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