Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Don't you Dare.......

Growing up I was that child who always pushed the limits.  My mom would describe me as hard-headed, stubborn, a perfectionist, and oppositional.  She used to always tell people that she would tell me "don't you dare put one foot in the road!" and I would turn around, laugh a little, and say, "Mommy, two feet in the road!" and take off running away from her.  Of course as she told me this years later I just laughed not really knowing my day would come.  Well, my day has come and you have now entered that phase of life.  I would have to describe you as hard headed, stubborn, and oppositional.  Tonight I would tell you "no" as you were walking a fine line and you would just giggle and say "OHHHH No!" and then continue doing what you were not supposed to be doing.

Last night as I wrangled you into bed the baby gate fell down the stairs and crashed.  Before I had a chance to react I heard this innocent voice yell out "God Damnit!" - uh oh - mommy must need to watch her language these days.

Your therapist told you the other day that you "needed your device" and she would not let you play the game until you went to get it.  You proceeded to walk over to it and push the "need" button and then continue to ignore her and entertain yourself other ways.

Everything these days has to be done by yourself.  You are Mr. Independent and do not need the help of others.  I was watching you brush your teeth, which is a skill not yet mastered.  You could not get the toothpaste onto the toothbrush so you decided to just squeeze the toothpaste right into your mouth and then brush from there - I give you points for creativity.

As we have entered this stage you have also decided that doing school work is no longer fun.  That it is more entertaining to push the buttons of your therapists and constantly be thinking of new ways to receive attention other then sitting at the table learning about the three R's.  This ranges from stepping into the toilet, when you think the toilet seat is down, and soaking yourself.  Falling in-between the toilet and sink and getting stuck.  Climbing on the counter, desk, bed, table, or chairs - remember though, you can't even walk five feet most days without falling.  You will lay on the floor and try to push all of your work materials under the door so that they are not available to use, you will try to eat the materials you do not like, and of course, you will simply just sing at the top of your lungs acting as if no one else is in the room.  We keep pushing forward though because even through all these behaviors you continue to master skills and show your knowledge.

The other morning driving to therapy you told me "I want girl" on your device!  I didn't know that would start this early. Needless to say that will not be under your Christmas tree this year.

You still are easily entertained by Lego's, army men, swords, books, and cars.  You amuse me as you change your voice and intonation based upon what toys and what play scheme you are acting out. Your imagination is running wild these days and your interests continue to expand.

Not only have you made the academic gains and mastered all of your foundational skills, you have made great strides in your fine motor and self help skills.  You are using scissors, starting to play catch, attempting to brush your teeth, and shower by yourself.  Now, not all of these are perfect but please see the prior note that you are all about being Mr. Independent these days - I have to find new and interesting ways to help you without you knowing.

Your grandmother would have been so proud of you.  I often times imagine her laughing from above at me as I try to navigate this adventure of parenting.   I know that she would have been your second biggest cheerleader, that she would be giggling by your side, and spoiling you rotten.  As I write to you I also often times look back at what my mom wrote to me in my journal.  I often times just hope for a glimmer of advice or the answer to the questions.  Unfortunately, the only secret it holds is that I am responsible for the little man you are becoming :)  That you are following in my footsteps, that you have my personality, and that I would not have it any other way.

Keep on Truckin Baby

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