Monday, December 31, 2012

New Beginnings in 2013

For some reason right now I am really looking forward to the new year.  Don't get me wrong, I know that basically all it means is another turn of the calendar page but for 2013 I see great new beginnings.  I cannot believe how much you have grown and changed and your determination to continue to put one foot in front of the other.

I am often times overwhelmed with the little man you are becoming. I am scared on a variety of fronts, some founded and some not so much.  One day I will be looking at you and I can't believe how far you have come in such a short period of time and then the following day I am watching you wondering how you will ever make it the fast paced world around you.  I am scared to death that we haven't done enough, that you haven't made enough progress yet, and that the gap between your skills and your age is only getting bigger.  Then I have moments when I am scared to death because you show me moments where I know you will thrive and that one day I will have to let go and allow you to try to fly.

This past year has been a fast paced run and I am not sure why.  The finish line is no closer, the strides are no longer or shorter, and towards the end we have forgotten to stop and smell the roses.  Focuses have changed, more schools have come and gone, programs have evolved, and the calm has been far from the center of our lives.  With all of this chaos, you have continued to move forward and show the world you will not go down without a fight.  In 2012 you.....

* Learned to dress yourself
* Increased your expressive vocabulary to close to 100 words using some 2-3 word phrases
* Discovered the game of hockey and learned to ice skate
* Learned a few select 3-4 letter words to show your personality
* Discovered what it means to be a smart ass
* Discontinued the use of all mood stabilizers and decreased the amount of medication needed
* Started to read sight words
* Developed a passion for science
* Learned to lay on your stomach and enjoy the view of the world from this angle
* Started tracing horizontal and vertical lines with minimal assistance
* Began to cut with regular scissors
* Overcame your fears of taking a shower versus a bath
* Drastically decreased your self-injurious behaviors
* Mastered all of your foundational skills (colors, shapes, letters, letter sounds, 1 to 1 correspondence)
* Found out about Elmo, Mickey Mouse, Woody, and Spiderman
* Continued to show resilience as schools and programs changed and peers came and went
* Developed a strong imaginary play including expanding your interests
* Found your internal motivation for independence and showed it in a variety ways
* Discovered the world of electronics

Most importantly, in 2012, you allowed your emotional walls and barriers to fall down around you.  You recently have allowed yourself to discover the world on your terms and through your own eyes.  This is your biggest accomplishment in 2012 and nothing anyone could teach you.  I could allow you to feel safe, allow you to explore, and allow you patience and understanding.  Mind you baby, patient and understanding are not two words that are often used to describe me, but you taught me this.  Over the past year you have taught me to let go of certain expectations, relax and enjoy the moment, and that I can not always predict what will happen next.  You taught me that I could not set the path for you but instead you had to be ready to pave your own path and over the last few months that is exactly what you have done.

You are the one driving 2013.  I do not know the destination of the path you paved but just as you have learned to trust me I have learned to trust you and am along for the ride.  I cannot control the twists and turns and ups and downs because this is your life story.  What I can do though is continue to support and provide for you.  I will be your biggest advocate, cheerleader, and supporter.  I will also be the first person in line when you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to lean on.  I will continue to provide you with the resources and therapies that help you meet your goals and I will continue to raise the bar for you and show you all that you are able to accomplish.

I feel as if we have finally hit the point in your emotional, academic, and social development where it is no longer a comparison to your past but simply a celebration in your success and realizing the doors to your future that each step opens for you.  I feel that although your past will always have an impact on who you are, it no longer is the dictator of who you will become... it is simply your past.

We have so many opportunities ahead of us and I am excited to see which direction you will take us in. Developmentally you are a bouncing four/five year old that is excited for your next adventure.  Language wise you are at the pivotal moment of a two year old, right before the explosion.  These two factors alone should lead to an exciting start to the new year and one that will definitely keep me on my toes.  I cannot wait to see where this adventure takes us

Keep On Truckin

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


As Christmas day comes to a close I have thought about all Christmas means to us and the magic that is in the air.  The Christmas season is a time of imagination, growth, fairy tales, adventures, and maybe a little magic just for good measure.  This year I was able watch all the excitement grow within you and really admire the little boy that you are.

Christmas in my house was always surrounded by family traditions and ideas of what the holiday should be.  As you and I have grown over the years we have adopted some of these traditions and also created some of our own.  The one special tradition that really stood out to me this year and realize how much it meant to my mom was the "eye sparkler" under the Christmas tree.  Every year, in addition to our Santa gift, there was one present under the tree that your grandmother called the "eye sparkler."  She described it as the gift that would make our eyes just light up and the one gift, that I now understand, she put the most thought into getting for us. It was usually something we had been wanting for awhile or what we thought was  necessity in life.  Now, something you have to remember about Uncle Mike and I is that we do not get outwardly overally excited over much.  It is just not our personalities to jump up and down with a smile on our face and our "eyes sparkling."  But, as we got older we realized how much this meant to our mom and we did not want to disappoint.  I remember for a few years he and I would open all of our gifts and blink our eyes really hard while trying to smile and ask if it was our "eye sparkler"  There was one year though I had no doubt over my eye sparkler - my mom had gotten me the NBA starter jacket for the Charlotte Hornets - I know, random, but it is all I had talked about.  There was no doubt my eyes sparkled when opening that gift.

I wanted to continue this tradition.  I wanted to make sure there was the one present under the tree that would "wow" you and would be your first "eye sparkler."  I thought for days on end on what it might be and what gift you just wouldn't want to put down.  Then, I found it!  It would be the Nook HD.  I rationalized that you could use it for your homeschool program, it would foster your reading, and it would be an electronic toy that you are so drawn to these days (as is any 8 year old).  I took time to program it with books, wrap it nicely, and place it in the back under the tree so it would be last gift you opened.  What I learned this morning though was all of your gifts were your "eye sparklers."

I was reminded today that you take nothing for in granted for life. That you are so grateful for all that you have and all that you receive.  Every gift you opened this morning was greeted with "ohhhs" and "ahhhs."  You would talk about the present with "what do you see?", "I wanna .....", "oh whoa...", and much more. You opened each gift slowly and made sure all the paper was removed.  You actually looked at the gift for what it was, gave a sweet "thank you", and then pointed to the next one to open.  You face was lit up bright and happy.  You truly sensed the magic of Christmas and enjoyed yourself in the moment.  And that great electronic gift that I didn't think you would wan to put down.... well.... yes, you liked it but honestly you were just as happy today to be a playful 8 year old and let your imagination run wild as you played with your wooden train set, the star wars action figures, and your new spiderman.  The stuffed Mickey Mouse you got went everywhere with you, including the movies tonight.  

So yes, I was able to carry on the family tradition of the "eye sparkler" gift but you brought so much more meaning to it today.  Your innocence, gratitude, and unique and special outlook on life brought back the magic of Christmas for me today and reminded me of what the holiday season is about.  Today also reminded me of what a special little boy you are and that I have no worries of who you will be in the future.  

Keep on Truckin Baby

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Say What?

I cannot believe all of the language we are hearing these days.  For about the past week everyone you have talked to has noticed a pretty drastic increase in your communication.  Anything from your ability to put 2-3 words together independently, your imitation of words and sounds, and your ability to follow directions.  

You are coming up with new labels and requests independently such as "doughnut," "star," "spiderman," "off" and "down."  You are making your dislikes known to others, for example, running around your room naked and telling your therapist "no clothes, " "clothes all done," "no more clothes." And you are engaging others in your preferred activities by asking questions like, "do you wanna Lego orrr you wanna cereal?"  When you use language like that  we will do whatever you want!  

Without prompting you are imitating words you hear around you in order to be a part of conversations and allow your voice to be heard.  You are then using these words spontaneously just moments later and generalizing their meanings.  You are starting to realize more that words are made up of different sounds and it is the combination of these sounds that you need to focus on.  With less effort you have been able to make these sounds and your speech is more intelligible to all those around you.  

On top of this, you also do still use your communication device on occasion which has also expanded.  You used it the other day to say "welcome all, come Ms. Jody" - you were trying to welcome the babysitter and wanted her to take you to your speech therapist Jody.  Then when asked to tell what animal says "moo" you used your device to say "make me" and then laughed and walked away.  Lets just say not everyone is able to use their AAC device to give or show attitude but you have definitely found a way :)

This is a very exciting time and I am so very proud of you everyday.  I know how hard you have worked and continue to work and how much it means to you.  You clap and cheer for yourself when you are able to make new words or sounds.  You smile and giggle with happiness as others honor your requests and hear your voice.  You take great pride in all of your success which continues to be your driving force.  My mom always taught me to trust my gut and my gut is telling me that we are going to continue to see some amazing growth over the next year.

Keep on Truckin

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Don't you Dare.......

Growing up I was that child who always pushed the limits.  My mom would describe me as hard-headed, stubborn, a perfectionist, and oppositional.  She used to always tell people that she would tell me "don't you dare put one foot in the road!" and I would turn around, laugh a little, and say, "Mommy, two feet in the road!" and take off running away from her.  Of course as she told me this years later I just laughed not really knowing my day would come.  Well, my day has come and you have now entered that phase of life.  I would have to describe you as hard headed, stubborn, and oppositional.  Tonight I would tell you "no" as you were walking a fine line and you would just giggle and say "OHHHH No!" and then continue doing what you were not supposed to be doing.

Last night as I wrangled you into bed the baby gate fell down the stairs and crashed.  Before I had a chance to react I heard this innocent voice yell out "God Damnit!" - uh oh - mommy must need to watch her language these days.

Your therapist told you the other day that you "needed your device" and she would not let you play the game until you went to get it.  You proceeded to walk over to it and push the "need" button and then continue to ignore her and entertain yourself other ways.

Everything these days has to be done by yourself.  You are Mr. Independent and do not need the help of others.  I was watching you brush your teeth, which is a skill not yet mastered.  You could not get the toothpaste onto the toothbrush so you decided to just squeeze the toothpaste right into your mouth and then brush from there - I give you points for creativity.

As we have entered this stage you have also decided that doing school work is no longer fun.  That it is more entertaining to push the buttons of your therapists and constantly be thinking of new ways to receive attention other then sitting at the table learning about the three R's.  This ranges from stepping into the toilet, when you think the toilet seat is down, and soaking yourself.  Falling in-between the toilet and sink and getting stuck.  Climbing on the counter, desk, bed, table, or chairs - remember though, you can't even walk five feet most days without falling.  You will lay on the floor and try to push all of your work materials under the door so that they are not available to use, you will try to eat the materials you do not like, and of course, you will simply just sing at the top of your lungs acting as if no one else is in the room.  We keep pushing forward though because even through all these behaviors you continue to master skills and show your knowledge.

The other morning driving to therapy you told me "I want girl" on your device!  I didn't know that would start this early. Needless to say that will not be under your Christmas tree this year.

You still are easily entertained by Lego's, army men, swords, books, and cars.  You amuse me as you change your voice and intonation based upon what toys and what play scheme you are acting out. Your imagination is running wild these days and your interests continue to expand.

Not only have you made the academic gains and mastered all of your foundational skills, you have made great strides in your fine motor and self help skills.  You are using scissors, starting to play catch, attempting to brush your teeth, and shower by yourself.  Now, not all of these are perfect but please see the prior note that you are all about being Mr. Independent these days - I have to find new and interesting ways to help you without you knowing.

Your grandmother would have been so proud of you.  I often times imagine her laughing from above at me as I try to navigate this adventure of parenting.   I know that she would have been your second biggest cheerleader, that she would be giggling by your side, and spoiling you rotten.  As I write to you I also often times look back at what my mom wrote to me in my journal.  I often times just hope for a glimmer of advice or the answer to the questions.  Unfortunately, the only secret it holds is that I am responsible for the little man you are becoming :)  That you are following in my footsteps, that you have my personality, and that I would not have it any other way.

Keep on Truckin Baby

Saturday, December 8, 2012


A vital component to your speech. The more progress we can make on your articulation of specific speech sounds the more understandable you will be to those around you.  Before we could not have a strong focus on this because you were not able to directly imitate when asked.  Recently though, you have decided that you enjoy imitating sounds and words and you patiently work with individuals on perfecting them.  I had the joy of watching you in your speech session earlier this week and could not have been prouder of you.  Your hard work, determination, persistence, and patience through this process continues to amaze me.  We still have a long road ahead of us but its nice to stop and listen to the sounds every now and then :)

Keep On Truckin