Thursday, October 6, 2011

Just a little more support

So, I know you try your hardest. That you wake up each morning, take a deep breath, and never know what will be around the next corner. I want you to live your life, be happy, and take in everything that the world has to offer. I want you to be a kid, make up for lost time, and try your hardest. I push you to your limits, I have expectations, and I watch in amazement as you grow.

Unfortunately we are coming to a time and a place where people are not seeing the growth. They are not seeing the special, unique, and talented young man that you are. They are not seeing the hope, passion, persaverence, and future that you have. They are seeing a child who they are characterizing by his disability. They are afraid of his actions, and they are more interested in moving him on then taking the time to grow with him.

I continue to fight for you. To give you the opportunities you so desperately need in your life and to try my hardest to surround you with people who love and care for you. To give you safety, a sense of security, and an environment to thrive.

School has yet again not followed through on this. I am so sorry that everyday you have to go to environment where you are not understood, where you are not accepted, and where your frustration continues to rise. It pains me to hear you cry as they walk away with you, to know you feel as if you need to be saved from the individuals who are supposed to be educating you, and to know that these individuals do not see the same passion for life you do and do not see the potential that lies inside of you.

I can only ask you to be so resilient. I can only ask you to bounce back and come out of your shell so many times before I will lose you forever and you will remain this child forever locked away behind those longing eyes. I cannot continue to ask you to hang in there for the right person who will understand you to come by to educate you and ask you to wait until I fight one more meeting to hopefully get a document that will support your needs. It should not be dictated by a piece of paper. By one perspective, budget, case manager, or administrator. It should be dictated by your strengths and weaknesses, your abilities, your potential, and the spark in your eyes that tells us what is still hiding inside.

So, for all these reasons, I will continue to look for just a little more support. For the people who can provide you the world broken into pieces that you can understand, build upon, and make your own world from.

I love you
Keep on Truckin

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