Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Umm.. If Only You Could Tell Me Whats In The Toilet

Bryson, Bryson, Bryson... What is in the toilet? Yes, you heard the question correctly, what exactly did you put in the toilet this evening? It is amazing to watch you go through your developmental stages. What two and three year olds do not flush items down the toilet? I remember my mom telling me I used to try to flush doll babies heads down the toilet - well, if only you could tell us what exactly it was. You were throwing a tantrum, one hell of a tantrum, with Tonya tonight because she took away your light saber after you hit the puppy with it, and the next thing we know, the bathroom was flooded and you were naked. After much work, it is working again but we have yet to find out what's down there.

Since you have had all week off school for the thanksgiving holiday I decided it was time to re-potty train you. You used to request all the time and have very few accidents but that had changed. We cant figure out why but you had decided it was okay to wet your pants again. So, saturday night we a started over and had a lot of success at first with initiation, using your iPad. Then, you didn't like my method anymore and you and I had a break to regroup. I then took a slightly different approach and as of today you were requesting 80% of the time with success. Way to go!!! Now, if only you realized the pee is supposed to go in the potty. You tend to close the lid mid-stream, turn around and spray the shower curtain, or make a nice pattern on the wall and cabinets. I can tell by your face this is not necassirly on purpose but instead, a true lack of attending. That 30 second attention span does not help us much in this situation especially when you are very excited to get your candy afterwards. I am assuming that since we also taught you to flush this week, that is why you flushed items down the toilet tonight.

Some of your accomplishments recently:
1. You can now identify your head both receptively and expressively
2. You can match non-identical pictures
3. You can dress yourself (when you want to)
4. You can complete the steps of toiling (with a little bit of a mess)
5. You can count to two
6. You can use your iPad for basic communication

This week will be interesting to watch. We will be going to Nancy and Terry's for Thanksgiving and then you will be initiated by fire to a family tradition. Your grandma, my mom, and I used to always do black Friday shopping. Once she passed away Valerie started carring on this tradition with me. So now, on Friday you will join is for this very eventful day! We will wake at about 330 am to be at Target by 430 am then off to breakfast followed by best buy and toys r us for a little Christmas shopping.

I love you baby, keep on truckin


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Our First 'Sick Visit'

Hmmm..... We might have to have a little heart to heart on this one. If this is the way we act when we are not feeling very well, we have a long road ahead of us. For lack of a better word, you have been a little terror the last few days. We took two days off school and upon returning to school you are perfect for them which is wonderful! If only it were the same at home!!! It has not been all bad, just very temperamental. One minute you ask to play with your cars, the next you are screaming because it is really not what you want. By today you we were feeling much better. Your self-injurious behaviors were also through the roof during this time but next month we go to the psychiatrist so hopefully we will have more insight.

You and the iPad have become best friends and it amazing to watch. You are starting to find a voice, much more spontaneous then it ever was with PEC's.it has really become your outlet at school and today you spontaneously and appropriately asked for hug, help, outside, break, juice, and car while at school! Who would have thought it would happen so fast. You can now tell us when you are hungry, thirsty, when you want to go outside, and when you are simply done. We worked today on asking for tv and we are now using the iPad to label your alphabet and colors, you have actually started to learn the letters A and B and the color green. So much potential.

Linda and I swore today that you said something along the lines of "I didn't know you were...." this was as soon as Anna and Ellie walked into the house. We were surprised but this is happening more and more often. You have so much to say, once you start talking I'm not ever sure you will stop.

Tomorrow is native American day at school. Your native American name is 'screaming bull,' so fitting! Terry will be joining us and I am so excited to see you with your class. You also have a boys day out with Terry after school tomorrow - please behave!

Keep on trucking baby
You are my little side kick

Luv ya

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Six Months!

I can hardly believe that today marks the six month mark for you coming home. Some days it feels like years that you have been here and I can hardly remember life without you. Other times it seems like just yesterday you were handed to me at the airport.

You are such an amazing little boy - full of energy, spirit, and life. You grow everyday and continue to amaze those around you. You find humor in the simple pleasures of life and I never see take a moment of life for granted. Your determination continues to grow and it continues to carry you through life. You have yet to not be able to master a skill placed in front of you (even through your stubbornness) and are so proud of yourself when you know you have accomplished it. Some of the simple tasks have become much easier. You know dress yourself, usually pretty quickly, you feed yourself independently, and you have found the joy in variety of foods. Your taste isn't bad either considering clam linguini was a favorite a few weeks ago :)

Its interesting to watch you. With many children the development is predictable, they learn skill "A" so next must be skill "B." With you on the other hand though "A" does not have to come first and one skill could actually open the door to 20 different skills. I know you have so much knowledge and are such a bright little boy, we just need to continue trying to find a way for you to communicate that. You are using your iPad extremely well so we will be adding more academics to it. This way you can start labeling more items and hopefully participating more in class. We will see what type of learning curve we are looking at. It just unbelievable when we see a glimpse of what you hold on to.

I watched you in kindergarten this week. No wonder you are exhausted. I am shocked you do as well as you do in that environment and that you thrive of of your peers. You hate to miss a moment of what they are doing. It was hilarious to see that every time you were given a choice of a reinforcer from your iPad you choose the activity the rest of the class was doing. For instance during morning table time you picked "crayons," during circle you picked "lets work," and right before recess you picked "I need a break." This obviously indicates not only your understanding of what is going on around you but also your use of and the power of your iPad and communication.

Technically, as of today, your paperwork can be filed in the courts to finalize our adoption. We just have to wait for one letter from Idaho that we will hopefully get this week and the paperwork will be turned into the courts by Friday! Once it is turned in we are estimating that by the end of February we will have notice from the judge that your adoption is FINAL :) This is huge for both of us. We will have a celebration as soon as everything is done and hopefully family will be able to make it. One of the small things I cannot wait on is finally having your legal name as Bryson James Murray.

Well baby, today is huge for us. It is a moment that marks a great deal of change, development, relationships, and life. We will continue to grow and I cannot wait to see what adventures tomorrow holds for us.

Keep on Truckin

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Thought I Lost You

For a few hours yesterday I thought I had lost you. Not physically, but instead mentally and emotionally. You had over three hours of behaviors at school and since they did not have a plan in place for this, you had no safety net. No way to control yourself. To bring yourself back under control or a comfort zone in order to know you were safe. I think that by the time you spiraled this far out of control it brought back memories of your past. A sense of being lost and just not knowing which way to turn next. Once I picked you up from school you completely shut down. You wouldn't talk, you had the look of a deer in headlights, and you were not processing directions that were given to you. It has been a long time since I have seen this, but we have. And from the past it usually takes you awhile to bounce back. Needless to say, it scared the you know what out of me. You have come so far, you are such a happy little boy, and are thriving, to see this side of you, to know there was nothing I could do, and to know you were just lost, it broke me as well.

You have so much from your past to work through. So many memories, experiences, visions, and emotions that no little boy should have to handle. You work so hard to make it through the day. You are asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow at night and I am dragging you out of the bed in the morning but very seldom does the smile leave your face. You babble stories at us all day, you engage in your environment, and you are just Bryson. But yesterday, this happiness disappeared. It was replaced with fear. You didn't have the fight in you.

This will happen. I know it will. I know it is harder on you then on me but I will say baby it kills me to watch you go through it. I know I can provide you unconditional love, comfort, and safety. I can provide you boundaries and expectations and a net for when you fall. You need to go through these emotions. You need to be allowed to experience and work through your past on your time. Whether it be a situation that causes the brief lapse or you choosing to take a moment, I know it will continue to happen.

I am looking to take you to a psychiatrist. Just someone to keep an eye and track these emotional stages in case you need more in the future.

Luckily, the phase was short. By late last night you started to bounce back and you had a wonderful day today. Not perfect at school but I don't expect perfection - I just expect you to try. Your play dates are going great. The facilitated ones on Thursdays and then also the random ones we have. Your play skills really are coming along and you just love your friends.

Your peers were a little jealous today when you brought in your iPAD. Even though we have had our moments over using this, as you are stubborn, I am seeing much better and spontaneous use of it after one week then I saw with PEC's. The categories are hard for you but this will get better the more you use it. I am actually kinda of hoping that it will also serve as a tool to help facilitate peer interaction at school since they will be interested in the device.

Okay baby. You know I love you - I wish I could say don't leave me again but I know you will need to check out again. That you will need to deal and that you will come back to me. Our bond continues to grow. We continue to discover or ourselves and our relationship and it is something that can never be broken.

Keep On Truckin'