Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I know you have trouble with transitions, but....

From day one you have struggled with transitions. Part of this I think is because you never know where we are going or if you will come home, who we are going to see, if your toys will still be there when we come home, and just plain and simple still learning what the hell is going on in this world. You were pulled from the cow farms in Idaho with no neighbors were you could run free to a busy neighborhood with people on every corner. With this, we still go everywhere and anywhere... We work through the tantrums, me sitting on top of you basically trying to put you in your car seat, falling to floor screaming when we walked in new places, and running screaming down the streets during our walks in which case people would come out to see if I was abusing you!

Many of these transitions have become easier and we have fallen into our patterns so what do we do... we go to the zoo! Not thinking ahead, Mommy was not thinking that to get to every exhibit would be a transition. Leaving an animal that you enjoyed, not knowing where we were going, you were definitely not a happy camper until we got to the next animal and then we did it all over again a few minutes later. At least you loved the animals but you were a little hoarse and tired afterwards.

We had gone to the zoo with Jenny, Donald, Taylor, and Shelby. Jenny came with Mommy when I met you for the first time in Idaho and on a few days notice I decided to pack us up last week and go visit her in Ohio. You did amazing in the seven hour car drive, not a single tear and only a 45 minute nap. You loved playing with Shelby and handled being in a different bed and a different routine very well. They will come to see us in July and can't wait to see the progress you are making!

I can't wait for more adventures - Love you

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