Five years ago today we started this adventure together. We have cried together, laughed together, screamed at each other together, giggled to the point of tears together, cried some more together, and grown together. You have sewn your heart within my heart, filled holes I didn't know I had, and you have taught me the true meaning of hard work and determination. Five years ago today I brought you home, a scared, fragile, and infantile little boy and we started to create our own path together full of many bumps, ditches, and rocks. Today I look at a confident, strong, and empowered little man who is ready to continue to pave his path.
Your independence and strength continue to grow daily. You are turning over new rocks, spreading your wings, and now actually starting to take flight. This past year I have seen you walk into school with confidence, tackle new academic goals, allow yourself to trust others, and mature emotionally. You are beginning to self-regulate, make your needs known, and simple believe that you have the world to fall back on.
It has been an amazing experience this last year to see you grow from the child who was afraid of the open hand hurting him to now turning to that open hand for help. To see you grow from the child who was afraid to voice his opinion due to the unknown consequence to now telling the world around all your heart desires. To see you grow from the child who was afraid of the world around him to now seeing a child take on the challenges of the world knowing he may not always succeed. To see you grow from the child who was afraid to show his pain no matter how hard he fell to now seeing a child shed a tear over a scrape, showing your emotions when your feelings are hurt, and making sure those around you know when you have a "boo-boo". To see you grow from a child who relied upon helplessness and who missing the spark of motivation to a now seeing a child who is more spirited and passionate about life then anyone else I know.
You have torn down walls, defeated barriers, and exceeded expectations all within the five short years I have had the honor of calling you my son. Today I no longer worry about your future but instead I am excited for all the opportunities you will create for yourself and which path you will continue to take. Although your road has become much smoother it will never be without speedbumps and I hope that you know I will always be here for you as you run ahead of me and experience all that life as to offer. I hope that this next year continues to to offer you opportunties to build upon the foundation we have created and explore whatever your heart wishes. You deserve this time in your life and have so much to offer those around you.
Keep on truckin' baby because the future knows no limits and the only race is within yourself.
Happy Gotcha Day
Love You