Friday, November 25, 2011

Winter Wonderland at the Zoo

A month after you came home last year we went on a road trip to see Jenny and the kids. I had been a little overwhelmed, we both needed a slightly different change of pace, and we had nothing better to do so we made the trip to Ohio for a couple of days. During this visit we made a trip to the Columbus Zoo (I wrote you about this trip in June of 2010). You had a very difficult time, lots of tears, self injurious behaviors, screaming, and overall just a rough day. Not because you didn't like the animals though, it was because you could not transition between the animals and did not understand walking from one exhibit to the next.

Well, now that we are living in Ohio and we have five days off together with the Thanksgiving holiday I decided to give it a second chance. Additionally, the Columbus zoo does this Winter Wonderland where the entire zoo is decorated in Christmas lights and their is a light show after dark. So, we, along with the rest of Columbus it seemed, got the zoo early enough to walk around and see all the animals, enjoy a little dinner, and then watch the amazing light show.

Looking back at our experience in June of last year and watching you lead the way today is another reminder of how far you have come. You were engaged at each animal exhibit, pointing and talking to the animals, showing me which ones were your favorite by your level of excitement, which was the flamingos by the way, and not a single tear. We walked for over three hours, saw all the animals, and just enjoyed another great day.

Here are some pictures from last year and this year. Wow! Look at the difference!

June 2010 : Watching the polar bear

Today: Watching the polar bear and telling me ALL about it

June 2010: Spending time with the fish

Today: Discovering that the fish do not care if you sing off key

June 2010: No concept of what a Penguin was and very ready to come home by this point

Today: Trying to climb in while calling out "Happy Feet" (we saw the movie yesterday before dinner :)

June 2010: One of the few positive moments

Today: Posing for a photo opportunity

If you notice in both pictures watching the polar bear you holding tightly to the zoo map, I guess some things may never change :) But overall you have grown and matured so much since that first time last year.

Love you Baby

"Big Night Out"

We decided to do Thanksgiving a little different this year. As I learned last year, there is no part of the traditional Thanksgiving dinner that you enjoy. We did make a lot of progress last year and you ate a few bites of everything but as I said then, you gagged on just about every bite. So, instead of having you gag, and anyone sitting in your general area have to watch the show you put on, I decided that we would go out to eat. It was also an easy decision to make considering we have not been Ohio all that long and we were unable to go back to VA for this holiday.

Mommy, feeling somewhat courageous, decided we would attempt the Melting Pot. Anyone who has been here knows that you go for the entire experience, not just the food. I also had to take a deep breath and decided that I would not battle the food with you. If you enjoyed it, wonderful, if not, it was not the time to fight it and we were just enjoying our Thanksgiving. In the long run, you ate a lot of the first course cheese (you preferred not to dip anything in it and instead just eat it by the spoonful), you had a little bit of the salad, and then the main course of meats came. I know I picked this mostly for me as we had lobster, shrimp, steak, chicken, and pasta. I cooked the chicken first for you and put it on a plate. You didn't even touch it UNTIL that lovely pot of chocolate fondu came out. The chicken was gone immediately and you loved dipping all the fruits in the chocolate for dessert. Overall, the entire "experience" took about two hours and you behaved perfectly.

Later that night we did video chat with Uncle Mike and Aunt Suzanna. For the first time, you actually understood the concept of talking to them on the computer and carried on quite the little conversation, you even used some "real" language that was understandable. They were very proud and impressed with the progress you are making just as everyone else is.

Keep on Truckin Baby

Monday, November 21, 2011

Talking Machine

As they walked you out of school today I did not expect a good report. You had a little bit of a struggle going in this morning - a two person escort to be exact - and I thought for sure the Honeymoon period was over and it was going to be a rough day. Well, yet again you had to prove me wrong and they not only said you had a great day but that you were a "Talking Machine!" I am so proud of you and this really shows how comfortable you in your new school environment. That you trust those around you and you are making progress everyday.

It is a short video but your joint attention and willingness to work is what surprises me. Just the fact that you would sit and do homework with me tonight was a huge step and I could actually be your mom, not your therapist. Your articulation is getting better and your imitation is huge. Great things will continue to come!

Having A Blast

We found a new park near the house - You remind me of Mission Impossible!

Watching a Cars 2 at LifeTime Fitness as you enjoyed a little swim at "Dive in Movie Night"

A great ending to a wonderful day!

I am so proud of all you do - You continue to amaze me everyday

Love you Baby

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hot Mess

So, since when does a child's hair change from straight and thick to thin in curly overnight? Evidently, as you follow no rules, yours does. You look like a "hot mess" by the time the day is over and each day it becomes more and more curly. I will admit I love it and it just goes to speak to your personality.

We Have Arrived

Well, it was actually a week ago today that we arrived in Dublin Ohio to start from scratch. A new home, a new neighborhood, a new school, new expectations, and overall, a new life. The movers arrived last Wednesday and quickly packed everything into the truck. I then packed you up and we spent the night at Nancy's before hitting the road Thursday morning.

It was sad to leave behind our friends and family and the only true life you have ever known but I know we will not lose the people in our lives and that this will create a much better life for both of us. As I have told you many times before, whether it like it or not, you need an education. Helping Hands Learning Center will be able to provide you this education, the techniques to help you use your device, and the tools to be successful.

You have four teachers in your classroom and needless to say you looked like a "hot mess" when you came out of the building Monday afternoon. You also proceeded to fall asleep within five minutes of getting into the car. From this I know you are having to think on a whole new level and that they are staying on top of you. Instead of you running circles around your teacher they are now running circles around you and all four of them are consistently holding you to high expectations. They have described you as such a happy child though that is a joy to have in class! Very nice to hear this for a change.

I have always seen great things in your future and now you will be able to accomplish more then you ever even knew.

Since Helping Hands is a private school only for children with special needs I am working on finding outlets for you where you can continue to be involved with typically developing peers also. Down the street from us is an indoor sports facility where you can do ice skating and lacrosse. I am also trying to find swim lessons for you again as I have not given up on the fact that you will be holding your own in the water by next summer. There are so many opportunities in front of you, we just need to find the ones where you can continue to thrive!